Artistic Director Residencies 2011/ 2012:
Three Provinces, Three Mandates, Three Companies
The 2011/ 2012 season was dedicated to developing a working understanding of the diverse artistic and administrative theatre production, presentation and development practices of Canadian Theatre. Each company presented a different form Canadian Theatre production. The residencies included New Play Development, Production and curation of a National Festival, meeting with Artists, PACT Meetings, Season Budgeting and Programming, Grant Writing and Fundraising, Board Development and Management.
- Playwrights’ Workshop Montreal, Emma Tibaldo (Montreal,Quebec)
- Theatre Conspiracy, Tim Carlson (Vancouver, British Columbia)
- The Magnetic North Theatre Festival, Brenda Leadlay (Ottawa, Ontario & Calgary, Alberta)
The Magnetic North Theatre Festival with Artistic Executive Director Brenda Leadlay (Ottawa, Ontario & Calgary, Alberta)
Canada’s Magnetic North Theatre Festival is Canada’s only national theatre festival. Showcase the very best of contemporary Canadian theatre – theatre that moves us, shares our stories, and explores how we see the world as Canadians today. Canada’s Magnetic North Theatre Festival is Canada’s only national theatre festival. We showcase the very best of contemporary Canadian theatre – theatre that moves us, shares our stories, and explores how we see the world as Canadians today. The Magnetic North Theatre Festival is unique among Canadian theatre festivals because of its traveling nature. Mag. North makes its home base in Ottawa, ON, and host the festival in the nation’s capital every second year. But the one-of-a-kind mandate also sees us travel the festival to a new host community across Canada every other year.
A special thanks to Catriona Ledger, Jen Cressy, Roy Surette and The Centaur Theatre, and all the teams and artists who welcomed me into their cities, companies and homes.