Artistic Director Residencies 2011/ 2012:
Three Provinces, Three Mandates, Three Companies
The 2011/ 2012 season was dedicated to developing a working understanding of the diverse artistic and administrative theatre production, presentation and development practices of Canadian Theatre. Each company presented a different form Canadian Theatre production. The residencies included New Play Development, Production and curation of a National Festival, meeting with Artists, PACT Meetings, Season Budgeting and Programming, Grant Writing and Fundraising, Board Development and Management.
- Playwrights’ Workshop Montreal, Emma Tibaldo (Montreal,Quebec)
- Theatre Conspiracy, Tim Carlson (Vancouver, British Columbia)
- The Magnetic North Theatre Festival, Brenda Leadlay (Ottawa, Ontario & Calgary, Alberta)
Theatre Conspiracy with Artistic Producer Tim Carlson (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Theatre Conspiracy creates theatrical events that activate discussion on vital contemporary themes in the international conversation. Theatre Conspiracy taps the cross-currents of international society, politics and culture to: create original work that speaks to international themes; interpret the work of acclaimed contemporary, international playwrights; explore contemporary world drama in translation; curate and produce events where local, national and international artists engage Vancouver audiences.