CAG2024: Agents of Change: Unraveling Complexity and Advancing Transformation | October 24-26, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
CAG’s Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting is a multidisciplinary event attended by all those with an interest in aging, including researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, community organizations, industry, students and older adults, among others. Delegates represent a diverse range of disciplines and professions including the health sciences, basic/clinical sciences, social sciences, humanities, social policy and practice, and more.
Brazen Aging: Unraveling research bias to support aging vigorously and disruptively
Anti-Ageist Active Access Design for Older Adult Theatre Professionals
Presented by Julia Henderson & Jack Paterson
Research by Julia Henderson*, Rinni Mamman*, Laura Bulk*, & Jack Paterson
*University of British Columbia,Vancouver, Canada.
Abstract / Résumé
The number and quality of opportunities for professionals in the live performing arts (performers, directors, choreographers, stage managers, designers etc.) diminishes as they age. This limits their opportunities for creative expression, their ability to sustain an active and meaningful career, and their opportunities for income and associated benefits such as extended health care coverage (which becomes increasingly important as people age). However, creative approaches have the potential to challenge existing ageist structures and practices and open up opportunities for old(er) professionals in the live performing arts. This study investigates stigma, accessibility, and inclusion for older adult theatre professionals, using theatrical devising and research-creation as a means of exploring these issues.

Actor Allan Morgan in The Creatus Project Test Kitchen (PAL Studio Theatre 2023)
Drawing 14 participants from the community engaged Creatus Project, we conducted interviews, focus groups, brief written participant reflections, and ethnographic participant observation (field notes and photos) of theatrical devising activities. The resulting thematic data describes experiences of ageism and accessibility challenges experienced by older adult theatre professionals, as well as potential creative solutions related to design, directing, rehearsing and production, playwriting and devising, and institutional structures within the industry (e.g. unions, granting structures). We also describe one research-creation outcome, a public sharing theatrical event “Ageing in the Performing Arts Test Kitchen.”
This study contributes to the little-studied field of ageism for older adults in the live performing arts and develops important practices of accessibility and inclusion, busting myths that employing older adults is too risky.

The Canadian Association on Gerontology
The Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) is Canada’s premier multidisciplinary association for those who research, work and have an interest in the field of aging. CAG’s vision is to be the Canadian authority on individual and population aging. CAG’s mission is to improve the lives of older Canadians through the creation and dissemination of knowledge in gerontological policy, practice, research and education. www.cag2024