Jack Paterson Theatre

“This is the magic of theatre” – Jerry Wasserman, The Province

I was invited to speak at the Jamais Lu Festival in Montreal. An annual Festival, Jamiais Lu works to develop Quebec, Canadian and international dramaturgy. Each year they hold events in Montreal, Quebec City and Paris.

This years focus was on bridging the divide between Canadian theatre practices. I was privileged – and very nervous – to join a team of translation super stars in a panel led by Bobby Theodore.

With other panels featuring artists from across the country such as Toronto’s Ravi Jain, Montreal’s Sophie Gee and Emma Tibaldo, Ottawa’s Lori Marchand, Vancouver’s Gilles Poulin-Denis and Esther Duquette, Fredericton’s Ryan Griffith to name a few, this was an exciting cross-country conversation.

With New works and staged readings by artists such as Rébecca Déraspe and Johanna Nutter, the opportunity to briefly see some wonderful old faces, and springtime in Montreal. It was a wonderful weekend.

Special thanks to Nahka Bertrand, Pascal Brullemans, Alexis Diamond & Marcelle Dubois and the Jamais Lu team for great weekend of cross lingual conversation and an amazing festival of new works!

Pictured above: Erin Hurley, Alexandre Cadieux, Linda Gaboriau, Vanessa Porteous, Bobby Theodore, Leanna Brodie, Jack Paterson, Julie Burelle, Mishka Lavigne