“…elegant, essential and poetic…”
The Vancouver Sun

Director. Devisor. Dramaturg. Translator. Actor. Creative Producer.

Jack Paterson CV & Portfolio


Signdance Collective International (UK), BoucheWHACKED! Theatre Collective (Canada), Chezactors (Italy), & Global Hive Labs


“This project makes it very clear. It is our responsibility to ensure the availability of art to everyone. that it is not just about making shows for certain types of people but all the people. Art must be accessible on every level to everyone.”
– Jonathon Papa Marenghi, Minister of Culture, Comune di Piacenza

“Accessibility as a springboard towards new forms of communication. Accessibility not simply as a practice for otherwise excluded audiences, but as added value. Accessibility as a creative challenge and experimentation with new languages.”
– Antonella Patete,


United Players of Vancouver in association with BTC (Vancouver, CAN)

“…a moving and sensitive production of this GG-award-winning play…the perfect play for the pandemic: two lonely figures, reaching out, and discovering they have many points of connection..” – Toph Marshall, Artistic Director, United Players

“…convincing, nuanced performances… a fine example of the resilience of the human spirit.” –


Western Gold Theatre (Vancouver, Canada)

“…explores with great insight thematic territory I’ve never seen covered before…the execution is poetic and the insight genuine…moments of magic and even transcendence…an intimate — and rewarding — conversation about love.” – Colin Thomas,

“…insightful, thoughtful and mind-expanding…riveting performance, showing that emotions are still alive – and even volatile – even in your seventies… This is a beautiful play, filled with hope and longing and the realization that yes, there is life and love well into our golden years!” –

“…a heart-warming play that shakes off the myth often associated with old age.” –


Teatro Trieste 34 (Italy)

“…a full house for Teatro Trieste 34 and Global Hive…a fusion of epic and contemporary, myth and poetry, in a fascinating total and inclusive theatre, triggering emotions and new perspectives…”

“…smashing nationality and accesibility borders in a Total theatre that merges all sorts of artistic languages in a full voyage through the emotions…”
IMA Magazine


Cardiff Open Air Theatre Festival (Cardiff, Wales)

“…innovative…challenging…daring…a frisson of new energy taking the leap into the unknown…respecting the intelligence of its audiences, challenging them to come along with the fantastic company and try something new…As much fun as that (the 2016 London production directed by Kenneth Brannagh) was, I’d much rather see this – or anything else come to that – by Modzelewski and Paterson.”

“…fresh, with visceral emotion and raw intensity… visually and audibly stunning…the finest Juliet I’ve seen on stage…”
Cardiff Shakespeare

“…a brave…an alternative glimpse into the words of Shakespeare…gritty and new…innovative…bringing it truly into a now…between the interpretation, the cast and the environment- it is definitely a must-see.”
An Organised Mess


a frank theatre & The Presentation House Theatre (Vancouver, Canada)

“…rich performances…All of the actors are compelling…Tom Pickett sports a bushy beard and a twinkle in his eye as Walt, whose mischievous charm magnetizes both Horace, played with emotional nuance by Conrad Belau, and Anne, to whom Adele Noronha brings a warmhearted, grounded presence. Kamyar Pazandeh’s Pete is confidently captivating”
Kathleen Oliver, The Georgia Straight.

“…beautifully produced and performed…The physical production is gorgeous: the stark white walls of Michelle Allard’s set, the expressionistic flourishes of Itai Erdal’s lighting, and the wit of Carmen Alatorre’s costumes, which are all embellished with the poet’s penmanship. Dorothy Dittrich’s sound design is subtly persuasive. And director Paterson juxtaposes the naturalism of the dialogue-driven scenes with movement sequences in which the characters almost dance as if possessed by their unexpressed longing…The frank theatre company deserves huge credit for taking on such an ambitious project.”
Colin Thomas,


The Jericho Arts Centre (Vancouver, Canada)

“…witty and passionate…a stylish production…”
The Georgia Straight

“…stellar production…Incredible performances…you leave the theatre in awe…a tight, well-paced and exciting play…Don’t miss it.”

“William MacDonald as Henry and Marilyn Norry as Eleanor both are magnificent in their roles…really novel…bringing to modern life the underlying passion and emotions of the characters that humans of all ages understand…a thrilling epic drama for our times.”

The List (remount)

Ruby Slippers Theatre & The Richmond Gateway Theatre (Vancouver, Canada)

“The List grapples with guilt in a gorgeous production.”
The Georgia Straight

“…the power of words and an actor to conjure a complex, emotional world…elegant, essential and poetic…”
The Vancouver Sun

“…an hour of power…taking us into the soul of a woman punished by guilt…a powerful one-woman play blanketed in loneliness and regret, and served as an ace… leaving us to ponder the moments in this woman’s life that are uncomfortably familiar — and re-examine our own.”
The Richmond News

“The List rhymes off our frailties poignantly…As directed by Jack Paterson, this show works exceedingly well…Perras is quiet, forceful, embracing and compelling. Truth and love flow from her richly…with with grace and subtlety. But most importantly, with believability…the show impacts viscerally…had me wet with tears… Perras is nuanced and subtle and poised and pained as she struggles with her guilt, anger and hurt …This is tender touching theatre.”

The List

Ruby Slippers Theatre (Vancouver, Canada)

“Poetically scripted and compellingly executed…A stunning examination of obsession and guilt, love and family, friendship and sacrifice…Evocative set design and dra­matic light­ing com­pli­ment a pow­er­ful per­for­mance by Perras.”

“…slow burning, compelling and rich…a moving evening of theatre to ponder for days after… haunting…”

“France Perras’ portrayal of the woman offers blunt insights that hit like a cold knife and shiver around you like the snow that falls over the woman, the closing curtain of the show.”
The Ubyssey

“…brilliant truthful acting, profound emotion and intricately detailed storytelling…”

“The List (directed by Jack Paterson) was unbelievable. It seemed so simple to begin with…It is an honour to be in the room when an actor transcends themselves and takes you with them… I did not want to breathe too hard lest I break the moment.”
Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Association Blog


The Corbett Theatre (London UK)

“…an astonishing show!”
Simon Usher, Director (RSC, The Print Room)

“…an impressive production of a complex text, delivered with tremendous skill and polish.”
Stephen Unwin, Artistic Director (The Rose Theatre)


United Players (Vancouver, Canada)

“Smartly directed by Jack Paterson, this dignified production is one of the most consistently pleasing shows in recent memory.”
The Province

“This is some of the best ensemble acting you’ll see…Jack Paterson does a stellar job of directing.”
The Courier

“…liberates the imagination in as provocative and illuminating a manner as one could wish for…Paterson has done an admirable job of directing a strong cast in a production that is sure to be remembered for its vitality, evanescence and robust depth”


BoucheWHACKED! Theatre Collective (Vancouver, Canada)

“Down the elevator, all 12 of us go…The downstairs hallway is narrow and draped with huge paper lists: butter, milk, cheese, diapers, etcetera. The actors kitchen is small, claustrophobic and the perfect setting…This is a mesmerizing performance…Director Paterson is exploring smaller and smaller spacesand for The List that tightly focused space really works.”
Jo Ledingham, The Courier


Canadian Stage (Berkley St.): The Chapel (Toronto, Canada)

“…a muscular production…an innovative and powerful presentation…”
Susan Ferley, Artistic Director
(The Grand Theatre)

“The company proves at every turn that though the story was written over 2000 years ago, it has rarely been paralleled as a play which so accurately depicts the true cost of war.”
James MacDonald, Artistic Director (Western Canada Theatre)


WinterBird Arts (Toronto, Canada)

“… stunning, sexy, heartbreaking…beautifully written, beautifully acted, and beautifully lit. See it with someone you love, see it with your best friend, see it by yourself… just see it.”
Mooney on Theatre

“…an engaging tale of a doomed summer romance…meticulous pacing and exceptional lighting and staging…”
Eye Weekly


The Shaw Festival (Niagara on the Lake, Canada)

“… at once unusual, amusing and fascinating in style and execution.”
Tim Chapman, Theatre Ontario

“…a bold and visual exploration ff Lorca’s text, with beautiful choreography and stunning music.”
Ashlie Corcoran, Artistic Director (The Arts Club Theatre)


Mad Duck Theatre Collective (Vancouver, Canada)

“…exciting…bold…even defiant production…”
Jo Ledingham, The Courier

“Coriolanus: Bloody. Thought-provoking. Shakespeare…superb…vividly accessible..”
Rachel Scott, Plank Magazine

“Jack Paterson, one of Vancouver’s most interesting Shakespearean directors, interprets this rarely produced script.”
Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight


Carousel Theatre for Young Audiences (Vancouver, Canada)

“Director Jack Paterson instead relies on the simple things that live theatre does best…a particularly effective example of Paterson’s drive for artistic effectiveness…”
Peter Bernie, The Vancouver Sun

“…wonderfully imaginative…I don’t know who enjoyed The Hobbit more; I or the very young audience members whose occasionally audible comments revealed how completely they were caught up in the adventures on stage.”


The Firehall Arts Centre (Vancouver, Canada)

“…Jack Paterson’s crisp, imaginative direction…makes the point with wonderful theatricality.”
Jerry Wasserman, The Province

“Director Jack Paterson and his superb ensemble dig into these multiple realities with virtuosic relish: the pacing is seamless and the energy infectious…It’s rare to find theatre that focuses exclusively on the concerns of young Asian men, and rare for an identity play to be this much fun.”
Kathleen Oliver, The Georgia Straight

“Banana Boys taught me as much about prejudices within the Asian community as those I harbour simply by growing up as a member of the dominant culture. That the play did so without preaching is a tribute both to the clever script and the fast-paced way director Jack Paterson unleashes these guys.”
Peter Bernie, The Vancouver Sun


Mad Duck Theatre Collective (Vancouver, Canada)

“…superb…utterly compelling…amazing ensemble…Shakespeare’s R&J truly soars with loves light wings.”
Peter Birnie, Vancouver Sun

“No frills, all the thrills…it’s like knowing the play for the first time…This is the magic of theatre.”
Jerry Wasserman, The Province

“This may be the sweetest Juliet I have ever seen…Never have the sonnets resonated so beautifully…Paterson’s direction is sharp and tight making this production as moving as any Romeo and Juliet I’ve seen.”
Jo Ledingham, The Courier


Carousel Theatre for Young Audiences (Vancouver, Canada)

“Adventurouse Odyssey driven by imagination…Director Jack Paterson has infused the evening with a tremendous sense of fun…so imaginatively conceived…Highest praise: my eight-year-old companion talked about this show all night and well into the next day.”
Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight

“Carousel Theatre hits a homer…Directed by Jack Paterson, this production is fun, action packed and provides an entertaining introduction to the most enduring tale of daring-do in western culture.”
Jo Ledingham, The Courier


Mad Duck Theatre Collective (Vancouver, Canada)

“You shouldn’t miss seeing this play…powerful, gripping…terrific performances.”
Jerry Wasserman, The Province

“Director Jack Paterson makes the play’s relevance inarguable…a deeply satisfying work…one of the best shows in a strong season.”
Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight

“…innovative staging…superior performances…a Shakespeare not to be missed.”
Melissa Poll, Vancouver Sun


Mad Duck Theatre Collective (Vancouver, Canada)

”…a daring Shakespeare production..a play we’ve seen many times – but never like this…It’s splendid in every respect…this production looked flawless.”
Jo, Ledingham, The Courier

“… a strong cast and innovative direction…powerful immediacy…a refreshingly in-your-face treatment of Julius Caesar.”
Jerry Wasserman, The Province

“Julius Caesar was set in Washington, D.C. Pardon me? How could this work? As it turns out – brilliantly.”
Leanne Campbell, The Westender


Mad Duck Theatre Collective (Vancouver, Canada)

“…I’ve never seen The Tempest like this before and I found it a revelation…feels utterly new, yet true to the text…I was particularly moved by Walsh’s reading ..”
Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight

“…full of wonder and magic…the director’s innovative use of women in traditionally male roles made for a sparkling performance and produced some very fine acting indeed.”
Lois Carter,


Escady Arts & The Presentation House Theatre
(Vancouver, Canada)

“To say that Paterson directs with verve would be an understatement…romps up and down Stoppard’s Escher-like staircase with wild abandon…smart fun, admirable post holiday entertainment…”
Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight

“Hound will make you howl…totaly silly, completely without redeeming socal relevance, and in the words of Birdboot “a rattling good evening out. I was held!”
Jo Ledingham, The Courier

“…deliciously presented… sound and light designers also enter into the success of this hugely funny presentation with their ingenious use of their specialized technology…go and see The Real Inspector Hound and laugh yourself to aching point. It’s worth it.”
Jane Penistan,