5 Faces of Camille Brunelle
Francophone Canadian Theatre in the UK (London UK)NEW TRANSLATION
Written by Guillaume Corbeil
Directed & Translated by Jack Paterson
Oh Canada F(EH)stival and BoucheWHACKED! Theatre Collective
(London UK)
Who are we? What are we? What defines identity, language, and human interaction in the era of online social networking? Five online personalities create their tastes, their knowledge, and everything what they have seen, thought, experienced or imagined in a battle to define their personalities and place in the world.
This play is the recipient of The Prix Michel-Tremblay, Le Prix De La Critique: Outstanding New Text, and Audience Choice Award, Primeurs Festival in Saarbrücken, Germany.
“…the highlight of last season…”
Philippe Couture, Voir
“A brilliant text by Guillaume Corbeil…a reflection on our disturbing need for attention, our desire for a stage, our indifference, and especially our solitude .”
Natalia Wysocka, Métro
Featuring Carmina Bernhardt, Liam Fleming, Mikey Howe, Jenna Violet Rose Thorne and Emily Snee.

Guillaume Corbeil is a leading new voice in Quebecois francophone theatre. In 2008, Guillaume Corbeil published a collection of articles entitled L’art de la fugue (Éditions La Instant), which was a Governor General’s awards finalist and recipient of the Adrienne-Choquette award. In September 2009, he published his first novel, Pleurer comme dans les films (Leméac). In 2010, commissioned by Libre Expression, he wrote Brassard, a biography of acclaimed director André Brassard. In 2011, he graduated from the French language writing program at The National Theatre School of Canada. Since then he has written for the stage Le Mécanicien, Tu iras la chercher and Nous voir nous. His work has been seen at Espace Go and Theatre d’aujourd’hui. He was awarded the Critics ‘ Prize for the Best New Play, the Prix Michel Tremblay and the audience choice Primers Festival in Saarbrücken, Germany.
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