Banana Boys
By Leon Aureus, from the novel by Terry Woo
Directed by Jack Paterson
The FIrehall Arts Centre
“…Jack Paterson’s crisp, imaginative direction…makes the point with wonderful theatricality.”
Jerry Wasserman, The Province
“Director Jack Paterson and his superb ensemble dig into these multiple realities with virtuosic relish: the pacing is seamless and the energy infectious…It’s rare to find theatre that focuses exclusively on the concerns of young Asian men, and rare for an identity play to be this much fun.”
Kathleen Oliver, The Georgia Straight
“Banana Boys taught me as much about prejudices within the Asian community as those I harbour simply by growing up as a member of the dominant culture. That the play did so without preaching is a tribute both to the clever script and the fast-paced way director Jack Paterson unleashes these guys.”
Peter Bernie, The Vancouver Sun
Featuring Simon Hayama, Parnelli Parns, Rick Tae, Victor Mariano and Vincent Tong
Set by Derek Butt | Costume Design by Sabrina Everett | Lighting Design by Michael Scriven | Sound Design by Jeff Tymoschuck | Stage Managed by Lori Parker