Artistic Director Residencies: Playwrights’ Workshop Montreal (Montreal, CAN)

Artistic Director Residencies 2011/ 2012:
Three Provinces, Three Mandates, Three Companies
The 2011/ 2012 season was dedicated to developing a working understanding of the diverse artistic and administrative theatre production, presentation and development practices of Canadian Theatre.  Each company presented a different form Canadian Theatre production. The residencies included New Play Development, Production and curation of a National Festival, meeting with Artists, PACT Meetings, Season Budgeting and Programming, Grant Writing and Fundraising, Board Development and Management.

  • Playwrights’ Workshop Montreal, Emma Tibaldo (Montreal,Quebec)
  • Theatre Conspiracy, Tim Carlson (Vancouver, British Columbia)
  • The Magnetic North Theatre Festival, Brenda Leadlay (Ottawa, Ontario & Calgary, Alberta)

Playwrights’ Workshop Montreal with Executive Artistic Director – Emma Tibaldo (Montreal, Quebec)

Playwrights’ Workshop Montréal (PWM) is a national new play development centre established to support the development of playwrights and contemporary work for the stage. PWM’s core programming is designed to advance the artistic practice of emerging and established English language professional theatre artists, and to develop, support and disseminate their work. The commissioning and dramaturgy of work in translation is also an important component of PWM’s programming.

The focus of this residency was the administrative, governance and artistic practices in English language Montreal supporting the process of development, whether written or devised, at all stages of creation.


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October 7, 2019