United Players (Vancouver, Canada)Inclusivity Practices & Creation Workshop
Multi Voice Prost Drama Workshop
Enemy of the People: After Ibsen
Insied by Enemy of the People by Ibsen
Conceived and Directed by Jack Paterson
United Plazers (Vancouver, Canada)
Reimagining the Community/ Professional Artist Relationship in a post dramatic process.
EoP tested an inclusive audition process
with no headshots, CV’s or monologue submissions.
The creative ensemble included professional and community artists from ages 18- 70, across disability and autism spectrums, gender/ two spirit identities, multiple cultural heritages and backgrounds, and a range of disciplines, and lived experiences.
Creations included: Poetry by an artist with down syndrome adapted to soundscape; Traditional Indian dance set to verbatim text; devised movement set to instruction to change your Youtube algorithms; A Zimbabwean fable layered with physical theatre. Ibsen text role assignment were selected at random to avoided matching identities.

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