The Love of Don Perlimplin for Belisa in his Garden
By F. Garcia Lorca
Directed by Jack Paterson
The Shaw Festival
“… at once unusual, amusing and fascinating in style and execution.”
Tim Chapman, Theatre Ontario
“…a bold and visual exploration Of Lorca’s text, with beautiful choreography and stunning music”
Ashlie Corcoran, Arts Club Theatre
Featuring Patrick Galligan as Don Perlimplin, Jacqueline Thair as Belisa, Melanie Philipson, Anthony Malarky, Esther Maloney and Billy Lake
Original Music Composed by Reza Jacobs | Choreography by Kawa Ada | Lighting Design by Andrew Smith | Set and Costume Design by Bill Schmuck | Stage Managed by Erin Finn
The Love of Don Perlimplin featured Flamenco and Deep Song as key ingredients in a cross-disciplinary approach to Lorca’s “Impossible Theatre”. Base comedy and high tragedy live side by in an achingly poetic tale of lust, love and desire.