The Odyssey (Vancouver, CAN)
“…so imaginatively conceived…Highest praise: my eight-year-old companion talked about this show all night and well into the next day.”
Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight
“…so imaginatively conceived…Highest praise: my eight-year-old companion talked about this show all night and well into the next day.”
Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight
“Director Jack Paterson makes the play’s relevance inarguable…a deeply satisfying work…one of the best shows in a strong season..”
Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight
” …a daring Shakespeare production….a play we’ve seen many times – but never like this.”
Jo Ledingham, The Courier
“…I’ve never seen The Tempest like this before and I found it a revelation…”
Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight
“…undeniably compelling.”
– Colin Thomas,The Georgia Straight